new job?

job listing came across my email yesterday. perl programmer, unix admin, mysql DBA … it’s all stuff I can do. heck, it’s all stuff I AM doing. and it comes with a nice raise attached


tomorrow we have an “awards ceremony” with the office. they invited 7 of us in an email this afternoon.

gaming generalities

went ahead and cancelled EQ2 today. I haven’t played since a week before the expansion came out . that was two weeks ago. I really don’t miss it, either. went to play CoV, but there’s a 1G patch that they put up yesterday for folks to download, but being as i was at my dad’s [...]

politically central?

so i took the politics test thingie from kiir’s site … apparently’ i’m central :o You are a Social Liberal (60% permissive) and an… Economic Liberal (35% permissive) You are best described as a: Centrist Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid

bad shopping, no cookie

apparently I suck at shopping trips. went out to the grocery store earlier b/c I needed a can of vegetable broth for the black bean soup (needs 2 i had 1). I spent 78$ on a can of vegetable broth!!! Then we went out later to buy labels for hte tupperwares of soup we have [...]

ah details

So, I finally cornered my boss(es) today for details about the ginormous files. apparently we ALWAYS had 12 (they’re monthlies) so I don’t know where 6 came from. But the 97G is b/c we have 3 sets of those 12, and so each trio averages 8G. But now they’re telling me we don’t want to [...]

control control i must learn control!

So, forgot my pill last night. I had 7 left when i called in my refill order a week and a half ago. I still have 1 more. But of course, if i forget my pill I’m bitchy (bitchier?), short tempered, and i have no ability to focus or concentrate on anything long enough to [...]

plugin suckage

tried to isntall the stylecatcher plugin, to make style changes easier, but after two evenings of working my way through all the code and figuring out how to get stacktraces when i don’t know where i’m going and getting debugging info from a CGI … AFAICT DBD::mysql doesn’t support blobs. and the plugindata field is [...]

cabbage is in

tonight, K got some of her leftovers. chicken teriyaki. he’s eating it, then he walks to the hall and spits out the broccoli. Goes back to eating, and is having a heck of a time with a big cabbage leaf flopping all around (i think it’s cabbage anyway). Then I notice he’s spit out the [...]

counting is fundamental

when someone tells you that you have 6 3G images, you do the math and figure out that it’s 18G. Some more math shows that at 6mb connection, it takes about an hour to download one, and you can fit 15 people on a 100megabit pipe. more math shows that that’s approx 2 requests each [...]