new box, new distro

so, my new box is an amd64. every box i’ve installed since … uh … 94? 95? has been a slackware, with a few redhat exceptions when i installed what someone else wanted on their box. i’ve taken over a few rh boxes at the office, but i’m a slackware guy except there’s no official [...]

knees are handy

forgot to mention this earlier :o saturday, taking K out, my ankle turned on the step off the stoop. and i went crash onto my knees :o K’s been in camp since sunday :o i can walk again, now, without the insane limp. and stairs are still slow. but bringing K back tomorrow, and i [...]


went back to doc. i told him i had a bad week last week (down, 0 concentration, no motivation or interest) he suggested thta it had only been two weeks on the lexa10, it could take a few more weeks for it to fully work. then he upped me to 20mg anyway :) gave me [...]


namaste, kumariji namaste, shiriman ab kessi’heh? bahot achi, dheniwad. or ab? bahot acha nehi. kya ab kuch cunnah jahati’heh? gi nehi. muggr me kuch pena jahati’hm ab kiddur pena jahati’heh? mere gr per? upke gr per? restorami nehi’heh? tika. restorami. raj put per? gi’ha. me raj put per restorat jantha’hm kub? abhi? ba(r)g’me ab kya [...]


so this morning, i get in the car and go to switch my ipod to the hindi lesson (i’m on #6 now) … switch it over, hit play then pause so i can hook up the iTrip for the radio hookup and … uh … it’s not pausing. it’s not playing. Really, it’s doing shitall. [...]

more quack points

ok, he may not be a quack. o nly talked to him once, so far, and i have to give him credti for giving me back my lexapro. like night and day, christ. last night i wasn’t yelling at k every time he barked, i was OK with taking him out (well, the first 3 [...]

medicate me!

Went and called a psychiatrist last week. Since my doc’s changed me multiple times lately, and the meds have been getting steadily WORSE! (ie : i quit carrying my pocketknife under a week after switching to the welbutrin … b/c i decided it would be bad if i didn’t) go in today, apparently shock the [...]