Carnivorous Vegetables

Well, what else would you call a non-vegetarian vegetable? Last weekend we were having dinner with my parents. Actually, I think the conversation started before we went out, but whichever. Something comes up about vegetables, and I allow as how I don’t, personally, like the “vegetarian vegetables.” This is my own name for them, but [...]

Beer Reviewing

Actually, this post is just a placeholder. Some friends got me 24 beers for my birthday. All different stuff. So I’m going to review them over on Kitchen Dragons as I drink them. I’ll probably put bullets up linking over. Actually, this post is here b/c I can’t remember what it was that I WAS [...]

meanwhile, one week later

So, the nondescript empty box arrived yesterday afternoon. Of course, I won’t be able to get to a UPS site to ship it back until like tomorrow or something stupid :/ then it’ll take a week to get there, then some amount of time to “fix” and probably another week to get back to me. [...]

Harry Potter and the Mysterious Ticking Noise!

It’s a great song! MWAHAA!!! Voldemort Voldemort Oh voldy voldy VOLDEMORT!

attriel: 0, RoD: 1

So last week, Microsoft announces that they’re going to extend the xbox warranty to 3 years for the “Ring of Death” “general hardware fault” (what’s amusing is that there’s a DIFFERENT error “hardware fault” … which means this is specific yet generic :o) I think ‘neat, so i have two years in warranty for that’ [...]

i’m so white and nerdy!

How White and Nerdy Are You? go me, it’s my birthday! go me! running man! ;) The White and Nerdy Video ;) edit: Now in LEGO!tm !!!

super glue is the devil

So, baby’s changing table is coming apart. the dowel connects keep popping out , which makes me leary of how secure it is for babe to lay on when changing, jaknow? so i figure i’ll glue it back together. i meant to pick up wood glue or something at target, or look at my options [...]