full circle

so, 13 years ago I met my wife … well, ok, 12.5, whatever Anyway, we met and she was having trouble with her computer back at her dorm, so i offered to come over and look at it. mostly because i’m a know-it-all smartass who figured I could fix anything. Turns out that one of [...]

writers block

So, i keep having ideas for posts, but by the time I get the opportunity to make posts … I forget what I was thinking about. then i can’t think of anything else to post. laem.

Sick DK :(

So, Wednesday afternoon he climbed out of the bath to have diarrhea on the floor. Quite thoughtful, really, since the toys are a nuisance to clean, but the bath mat i can toss in the laundry. Wednesday night he threw up in the bed. I stayed home Thursday for him. Thursday he ran 101-105 all [...]

sir not sleeping in this picture

DK has decided of late that he is a big proponent of not sleeping. He’s been going down between 10:30 and 11:30 for the last week or so, but we think that’s partially he’s been sick. Last night we tried putting him to bed ~9:30, and he was having none of it. We came downstairs, [...]

I must use this power only for GOOD!

So, I sent that email about Super Why! to PBS Kids on the 24th. On the 28th, I saw that Super Why! Volume 2 was on iTunes now … Well, on Monday I went to the Word World site and submitted an email to them commenting on how DK likes Super Why! and Word World, [...]

Scheduling Difficulties

So, DK’s sleep schedule is all whacked out. He was going up between 8 and 9, leading me to bed and laying down to sleep. That lasted maybe two weeks, and it was GREAT. Then he missed a nap one day and we haven’t quite recovered the schedule. Right now? he’s being tired ~7 and [...]