Bad is GOOD

Created myself a bruiser (basher? something like that; it’s kindof the tank class) this weekend He has the dark melee attack power, which is what my CoH scrapper uses, and invulnerability for defensive. In release i may change the latter, just b/c i know invuln was a really popular build just b/c it was so [...]


so, when i went to take my shower this morning, i couldn’t get my hair tie out. on and off during the day i tried, and it wouldn’t budge. when i got home,i finally cut it out. and my hair didn’t go anywhere. apparently i got it so matted, tangled, and knotted that the hair [...]

kitchen … not quite done

inspector was supposed to come last wednesday, chck wiring etc so they coudl put everything back together. no inspector ever appeared he was rescheduled for thursday of this week, since kiir would be home for yom kippur, no show got a call from the contractor yesterday, and apparently the inspector didn’t show the first time [...]

got lag?

over the weekend they didsome kind of load test, wanted as many people as possible to get on at once to determine if they could extend the hours of the beta. don’t ask me, i don’t make this shit up so, bunches got on. server lagged to nothing. rubberbanding of like 5 minutes, all kindsa [...]

dotting the t’s and crossing the i’s

so BMNG (Blue Marble, Next Generation) goes live tonight. They decided midnight was a good time for it to go live. Like they pay me enough to be up at midnight working on their shit Today, however, I spent trying to get the last bits in place (I failed). Never even got NEAR the idea [...]

face first in the server

spent the afternoon face down in the server rack today. i’ve come to the conclusion that PS/2 connectors are the brainchild of some moron who’s never had to reach through a crowded rack and try to hook them to something. belkin’s KVM cables have other problems, too. first off: it’s a male-male cable. Works fine [...]

hindi 1b

Forgot to append this the other day. Words I forgot were: gi-ha (jihad, without the d): yes ku-mar-i-ji: miss I never said it was a lot of words I missed :p

mmmm sobe

makign a lot of general entries, ain’t i :o thought I’d be talking moreabout the games, guess that shows what i know! Anyway, I like SoBe Energy and LizFuel (and a few others, but they’re more an occasional break thing). I used to get them at the grocery or at target. then the grocery quit [...]

doc tore me a new one

No no, i mean tha literally, basically. Apparently I have a “pilondial cyst” which got infected. Her words upon seeing it were comforting and reassuring. “Holy CRAP! That’s HUGE!” OK, not so comforting, and not particularly reassuring. But otherwise :o She then commented “well, at least we won’t have to cut it, it’s already draining” [...]

putting a fine point on it

not to put too fine a point on it, but this pain in my ass? seroius pain in the ass! hurts to sit, hurts to walk. hurts to lay down on my back. hurts roll over, get in or out of the car. GAH! suckage! thank you, that is all.