Hash Collision Language Extensions

So, I’ve determined that the reason DK doesn’t use more than mono-sounds is the fact that he doesn’t cognitively recognize the necessity of more.  Because he CAN, in fact, do longer words.  He simply DOES NOT. My confirmation came today when he looked at the word octopus, sounded it out, and then said Oct.  With [...]

Xmas & Evil

So, I am apparently an evil dad.  Today I decided we really needed to take down the xmas tree, so I started pulling down ornaments.  And DK started grabbing them and trying to put them back up :o By the time I was taking down the lights, Pi had a piece of wrapping paper in [...]

These people can’t be trusted!

So, apparently China, having been banned from using Lead in their exported toys, have switched to use Cadmium.  Which apparently they’ve been using locally for a while, and it’s cheaper than lead.  It’s also apparently more toxic (lead shows up as #2 in priority vs #7 on this list from the CDC, but it looks [...]

CPSIA Madness

So, this is actually from August, I kept not finding a good citation for it; still can’t, so I’m taking what I can get. In August, the CPSC voted (UNANIMOUSLY?? 3-0?  Do 3 people even get to count as unanimous?) to allow Mattel to do their own CPSIA product testing.  This is after the CPSIA [...]

I need an ark …

Well, no, not really.  My laundry machine appears to have decided to develop a hole.  a large hole. Initially I discovered the floor was wet, and I assumed the drain tub clogged and overflowed.  So I took my hanger-snake and dredged it some, but not near enough to have caused that kind of overflow.  So [...]