Pain In The Neck

No, seriously My neck (and back) are screwed up from years of abuse. High school we had those big heavy bags, but i have never been particularly fond of wearing a backpack across both shoulders, and doing so when it weighs 30-40lbs was always more nuisance than I was interested in. So I had a [...]

Busy at Work, Busy at Home

So, all day at work it was running around trying to do all sorts of things. I got asked to do a security scan. this evening. luckily I was staying late since Friday is DK’s day at Dadi & dada’s … but then I had to get the password to the scanning machine, then to [...]

Visiting Time

So DK’s nonnie was up recently. Well, sortof. She came up and stayed with Drummer to get him stuff for his new place, and we were meeting them for dinner downtown Saturday evening. They called us and said they were just going to drive up to where we live (They live in NoVA, so we’d [...]

sickness spreads like a disease

A few weeks ago (2+?), kiir was exhausted one friday morning, so I took DK down to my parents for the day. That has now spiraled into a once a week outing for him, giving kiir a day of rest each week. plus the weekend when I try to take him for the most part. [...]


after the moon quiz, I felt kindof … robbed. So I took another of the featured quizzes. “How Geeky Are you”!! I R GEEK! 89% Geek Created by OnePlusYou – Free Online Dating Rawr! (too bad it doesn’t have the filled body pic, that’d’ve been cool!)

Ah the moon, my old nemesis!

So, there’s a story of a middle-school health-class thought project gone terribly wrong in my family. Basically the gym teacher decided to modify an old “your plane crashed in the desert” scenario and put you on the moon. Things went downhill from there. So, looking at Kiir’s blog today, she had a post up discussing [...]

Interviewing Without a Net

So, The other day I was asked to sit in on some interviews that my boss was doing. No problem. My boss and the lead programmer were going to be there, I’m just there to provide a third viewpoint. Oh, and they’re inviting the other two programmers on the team (including the one who changed [...]

Childproofing In (In)Action

So, Sunday we went to Drummer’s place for brunch (kiir’s brother ; I dub thee drummer!) Of course, they don’t have kids (they just graduated college and probably not getting married for a year or two, he just found a job a couple weeks ago finally, hard times for his major). So their house is [...]

Morons on ICE!

This morning at the train station, I was pulling into the lot and I saw in front of me one car driving in the opposite lane to go around a car. Now, it’s possible that the car in the right lane had been stopped trying to read a sign or something, checking to see if [...]

Nightmares :(

A week or so ago, DK went to bed, slept for an hour, then woke up screaming his head off with nightmares :( We soothed him, gave him some tylenol in case it was teething pains or growth pains or something, and let him watch some muppets before going back to bed. Friday night it [...]