body: all, me: none

in the past I’ve been to the quack (“you’re lactose intolerant” “but it’s turkey that makes me sick. i can eat a lb of cheese no prob” “you’re lactose intolerant”) I’ve been to the gastroenterologist (“it’s not bread or anything? try eating some whole grain for a few days, maybe that’ll make you sick” “nope” [...]

Webby Awards

Well, Earth Observtory is a top 5 nominee for a Webby Award ( again. didn’t get nominated last year, AFAIK. Two years ago we won, and 2 and 3 years ago we got people’s choice. So, it’s nice, but I’m not overly enthused. OTOH, when I commented on the Visible Earth, I was told “oh, [...]

cycling points

slowly moving the rest of the systems to the new server this blog and kitchendragons should both be transferred now, yay. that just leaves the low boards to flip, as the only other active site. then transferring the very limited mail on accounts (limited, that is, except for me :o) of course, got an email [...]


well, GEE ! apparently the visibleearth got wormed for the day ;) wonder how THAT happened :o