house cleaning

ugh. i spent (as i’ve blogged) the lat month or so cleaning the house by steps and stages.  last weekend, after t-day, i was home by myself.  kiir was in atlanta with her folks.  k was at camp/playtime at the PetsHotel (kennel).  nothing all weekend except what i wanted.  I could play online (started eq2 [...]


so, i’ve spent the last week or so cleaning up some of my online areas. 1500 or so messages pulled and trashed from my inbox 800 from my old secondary box 500 or so from various storage boxes close to 2000 messages from my old work folder (well, OK, so i tossed the whole folder [...]


OK, I’ve been paying 200$/mo since april.  I’ve been twice.  she’s been 0 i think.  and since august she’s been pregnant (not SUPPOSED to go), but we’ve been paying still b/c she has to take in a letter saying she’s pregnant so they’ll suspend her membership until next year.  which she hasn’t done. i keep [...]


flew down wednesday afternoon, flew back up friday morning.  stayed up until like 2 or 3am on saturday.  i am so freaking tired today.  may end up going to bed right after picking kiir up!! friday night i put away all the bedroom laundry.  saturday i moved the queen bed around and downstairs so they [...]

long weekending

so, friday wsa the ultrasound.  1pm appt.  got there early, except apparently ultrasound is inpatient :o  we went to the outpatient building.  asked if we were in the right place for “prenatal ultrasound”.  got sent from info to registration to something to the ultrasound area.  the desk was cleverly labelled “breast cancer” :o apparently by [...]

nono wrimo

Well, kiir was right. she’s been telling me, since i said i was gonna try it, that i wasn’t gonna come even vaguely close and, well, she was right. still too much with getting settled at my new job and stuff, and weekends i’ve been non-stop cleaning, basically, so i haven’t had any time to [...]


bleah. my hdd is full on the laptop. something about downloading a shitload of itunes tv episodes which are like half a gig a pop :o i ordered a network drive last week from lacie (500G of drive i can hook onto the wireless local and use for apple storage). i asked for overnight, since [...]


i was tasked with looking into subversion for doing version control at the office, back when i started (then i asked for vmware so i could practice messing around with it; don’t hve vm yet …) this week, it came back up. so i installed it at the office and i’m working on my nanowrimo [...]

weekend 2 of 4

this was the second weekend on our “clean everything up!!!” schedule. last weekend was k’s room, baby;s room and the hallway. I threw out ~4-5 bags of trash. but everything was still really cluttered. not quite as bad as before, but still. actually baby’s room didn’t change. k’s room got a bit cleaner, and the [...]


i suppose i could post my writing here, i’m still thinking on that currently, however, my writing style has hit a snag with the “assignment” … i tend to write blurbs. maybe 2-3 book-sized pages and i switch either timeframe or locale. except, since i need 50k words, i’m trying to hook up enough background [...]