DK’s New Kitchen

So Kiir’s mom bought a play-kitchen from Costco (KidKraft Vintage Kitchen Playset) and I put it together Wednesday afternoon while he was napping. Took a few hours to do (seriously? OMFG!) but it actually seems to be made of high quality pressboard (almost feels like solid wood, but at a 140$ I SERIOUSLY doubt that). [...]

sleep is for l0s3rs

So, DK has apparently decided that sleep is for losers. To-wit, the last two nights it was midnight, or after, when he went down. Tonight he went down a bit early. This is only the second time in two weeks he’s gone down before 11 (10:45 IS before 11, even if we went up at [...]

Trip Report: Day 0: Car-wha?

First day of the trip was travel. As in we left our place ~7:30 in the morning to go to my parents, shuttle to the airport, plane to jfk, flight to india, arriving ~4 the following afternoon. Short trip ;) Flight from DCA to JFK was a small puddle-jumper commuter flight. TINY overheads, so we [...]

The Great White Shirt

In India, we were having to wash clothes by hand. Either Kiir or I would take a few items into our “bath” with us and wash them, hanging them up when we finished. The soap was sometimes hard to clear from the clothes, and since the water is from a reservoir my uncle filled every [...]

Jetlag Equals Sleepsy

So, when we went out on errands wednesday, DK fell asleep in the car on the way to costco at like 3. And slept until nearly 5, THEN we went for errands, and kept waking him back up. Because he didn’t really get up at 5, we just decided it was time for him to [...]

Airport “Security”

So, we went through a lot of security garbaggio recently in our trip to India. And there were a few “WTF?” moments involved. First off, we got to National (DCA), checked in, checked the luggage, and then went to security. Went through. Kiir got through. Dad got through. I got through, with DK on my [...]

India Trip Report

We got back yesterday, today we’ve been recouping. DK had an issue at lunch, but we think it was too much milk too fast after getting back. He had something like 20oz this morning. After virtually no dairy in two weeks, that might have been a little much :/ I’m going to post day-by-day mostly, [...]

Back Home!

So we got home today. Landed at JFK ~5:30 this morning, more than 20-hours after leaving my aunt’s place in India for the airport. Hit up the Delta counter to see if we couldn’t change our 9pm flight to something, say, before lunch … :o They put us on the 8:30, and all was good. [...]