poor birdies

so, i think i may have kindof killed a bunch of baby birds yesterday. not really killed them, but kindof I was cutting out the bushes and tree-things in the backyard, and took most of it out when i noticed a nest in the branch i was about to lop. I pulled back the obscuring [...]

color blind == illiterate!

so, just read a post about “Kromofons” over at Stroller Derby … It’s an alphabet of COLOR! woohoo! i am totally screwed here :o It’s important to understand that there are 3 (there were 4) types of “color disfunction”: Red Green Green Blue Blue Yellow Red Yellow You actually won’t find anything about red-yellow (and [...]

yard work!

couple weeks ago I started working on the front yard. spent an hour or two diggign out the azalea roots (they were dead last year and i cut them out), the tree stump, most of the forsythia, and whatever that stump that’s been out front since we moved in is from :o basically i did [...]

new endeavors

so, kiir’s new hobby is tie-dye. we played with it some on sunday. can’t get any of the fancy schmancy stuff with the relatively cheap setup we did. she picked up some other stuff from a site that works differently and is supposed to be really good, so we’ll see how that works hopefully this [...]

fat and happy

as of last week, des was up to 23″ :o 11#!!! he’s fat and happy, that’s for sure. he’s starting to outgrow things … his footed jammies don’t really fit anymore, b/c he’s just too damned gangly. his smaller diapers aren’t closing real well anymore. but he’s doing well! otherwise, he’s doing ok with tummy [...]

these shoes are made for shearing

a couple weeks ago i made the statement that i was gonna start walking last week i took my new pedometer and measured again the k-walks. which came up way shorter than before :/ i don’ know which pedo was broken, but damned annoying yesterday i went walking round the mall. usually i walk on [...]

new job blegh

I’m not entriely sure i’m diggin my new job … primarily b/c i’ve got shit-all to do most days. hell, even sudoku and kakuro have gotten boring. they’re either easy, or way more complicated (5* ones) than I’m interested in putting for the effort on (4* i can do in about 10 minutes, 5* I [...]