Mobility v2r1

So, last week Pi was doing a bit of pushing with her legs and she can turn herself around pretty well for a few weeks now. and rolling over. Over the weekend we were at my parents, and I caught her pushing herself forward a couple times! It was so neat! (I know, I have [...]

Psychiatrists cause Depression, film at 11!!!

So, Thursday evening I flew down to Atlanta to meet up with Kiir and the kids at her parents. The fun of getting there is a different post. As I was driving away from the airport after getting to atlanta, ~700 miles from home, I suddenly realize that I left my happy pills at home. [...]

mamamama bada dadada

hearing that is downright depressing :o

Couple posts incoming

So I want to try to get a few posts up over the next couple days talking about the VAST AMOUNTS OF FUN that was my weekend trip to atlanta :o But in the meantime, DK was putting his Cars matchbox hot wheels in the crip tonight. When I took them out so he could [...]

motivation is hard

So, as much as I miss having the opportunity to play on the xbox ,mess on the computer, or watch vids, generally … It turns out the last 3 days have sucked. I have no energy, no drive. My get up and go got up and went when I had to drop Kiir at the [...]

yay for doctors :p

So, dropped K off for his comprehensive exam this morning at the vets. We have the pet insurance, and so everything I was dropping him off for was covered. Except they wanted to give him some antibiotics with the teeth cleaning, they wanted to run an EEG (EKG?) to check his heart so they could [...]


Monday I woke up around 6 in the morning. Tuesday I woke up at 5:30, took a shower. Kiir handed me Pi to take for a while, so she could get some peaceful sleep without Pi kicking around the bed and curling into her back. Around then, DK woke up and snuggled with her, but [...]