poorly medicated

So, wednesday night I forgot to take my meds. by thursday afternoon i was completely wrecked. by the time i got home I was having random and untriggered breakdowns. i think maybe i need to up my meds again. or change them. because if missing a single dose trashes me out that badly, i don’t [...]

insomnia sucks

Saturday was DK’s birthday party, he had fun. Then early Sunday, Kiir, DK, and PI all left for atlanta. So there’s only me and K-line at home now. which is great, I can do various things that are hard when dealing with everyone. Hit the gym yesterday, ran the first oven through clean cycle, watched [...]

only one up

so, i took dk up for his nap after lunch. he played in his room, but not interested in napping. i give up just as kiir’s bringing pi up and going to lay down to take a nap. so I tkae DK downstairs, figure we’ll play xbox. frankly, he’ll probably fall asleep on my lap, [...]