Category / hindi

Family Unvacation 3 September, 2008 at 8:52 pm


In a few weeks we’re going to India to visit family. My family, specifically. And DK, in particular. Because if we (somehow) left DK with someone here, we’re not sure my dads siblings would let us in their front doors. “attriel? Who? never heard of you!”

I’ve been 4 times in my life. Once when I was a little older than DK will be. Once when I was 8 and again at 12? and then after kiir and I got married, we went to “show off the new bride” to the famly. My dad made a point of the fact that that trip was the last one he was obligated to obligate us to. Now it’s my family, and it’s up to me to go.

Then he decided he wanted to take DK :o Which is fine, because tickets to India are like 1500 or 2000 apiece, with the various sundries associated. And with 3 seats, thats a lot of scratch. while I love my dad’s family, there are honestly better things I could do with 6k. But my dad is paying, so we’re only having to come up with the money for the various bits we need for the trip (diapers for DK, some fixed wardrobes, etc), things we’ll need to pay for associated with the trip (over two weeks in kennel for K, at 30$ a night, plus another 10-20$ or so if we want him to get any exercise), and then money we need IN India (souveniers, money for my “sisters” (I’m supposed to protect them, but because I’m not there, I’m sortof giving them money to hire protection. but there’s no actual protection involved anymore ; so really I’m giving them money because I can’t symbolically protect them any longer … yeah, I’m not sure I understand it either), etc). That’s all adding up :o

We decied we needed new diapers for DK because we just werent’ quite sure about starting with stained diapers there. We don’t really have any issues with them, but we’re not sure about the reaction we’d get from family. OTOH, my parents have suggested that we could just use disposables over there, since they sell them in the shops it’s not like we’d have to pack two weeks worth of diaps. But we just can’t really see our way clear to using disposables in the third world country where trash it tossed in the street to be collected later. Especially since we don’t use them at home. Sure, if we were using them daily already, we wouldn’t switch for the trip and we’d accept that it’s not that unusual there (I imagine a lot of the middle class and up use disposables, since that kind of thing is generally a trapping of “wealth”, in a way, because you can afford to THROW IT AWAY). But starting with cloth, and using disposables JUST for the trip just feels wrong :o

We’re still not sure what all we’re going to do where, but it’s probably going to involve lots of running around visiting family! My dad had seven siblings. Even if we just visit each of their houses for an afternoon, that’s one week spent on that. We’ll probably spend a night or two here and there, so it won’t be constant travelling. Quite.

And won’t it be fun to see how DK reacts to the environment and all those people around? Four seems to be about his limit for people he’s not familiar with, six with mommy and daddy. With my parents there, that only leaves two strangers. And that? That is NEVER going to be happening during this trip. Which means that this could get VERY exhausting. Very fast.

Hindi, take lak 23 January, 2008 at 10:57 pm

(lak is hindi for 1000) (actually, it probably transliterates as laak or laak or something with an h maybe)

So, we started our 8-week beginning conversational hindi course last week at the community college. my parents love it , b/c they get to babysit des by themselves for two hours :o

I ran into some old friends. “D as in ‘the’” … “th thh th and thh” … “th dh” … “sha and sha” (actually, after a few roundabouts, he told us to just use the same sound for both, which makes it hard to distinguish)

these are some of the problems that have plagued me for 30yrs. americans (english in general i think) isn’t structured around that many sounds. (th thh are palate and th thh is gum ridge … i think; th and dh are actually repeated palate and ridge, and it’s just hard for me to distinguish b/c there’s a lot of implied letters)

In fact, during the cleaning (see other post), I found Teach Yourself Hindi, Hindi for Beginners, the three Kindergarten Hindi Primers we got from relatives in India, and some ‘First 100 Words in Hindi’ that looks like it has wordfinds and crosswords in hindi alphabet. I think the shelf may have my mom’s Teach Yourself Hindi tape. I found two Hindi software programs, and somewhere we have Rosetta Stone (supposed to be par excellante, but it didn’t seem to be helping me). I have 30 years of failure at hearing the differences in letters . 30 years of A is for Pomegranate (Anar). 30 years of primers and self teaching materials that have failed to teach me Hindi.

Maybe 31 years will be better?

i’m wrong :o 28 February, 2007 at 11:28 am

tried the bit of hindi I could remember off the top of my head (krna aup mog krna) from Green Eggs and Ham with my dad saturday. He looked at me like I’d grown a third head :o

apparently i’m pronouncing it ALL wrong. and i’ve got the wrong words. so he loaned me his (huge) english-to-hindi dictionary, which has more words than my list, and the multiple hindi translatins? yeah, now I have the english subdefinitions of the original word to pick out which hindi word (phrase) corresponds to the meaning I wanted :o

my mom told me i need to get the idioms out before translating, b/c they won’t go well. Such as “do you like” … we all looked at her and went “huh? that’s not an idiom, that’s language” :o

And, FYI, it’s krna, not krna … i’m guessing there’s a half palatal on the n … there’s 5 letters that translate/transliterate to “n” on my alphabet, so it’s not out of the question :o

Now, in HINDI! 8 February, 2007 at 2:55 pm

OK, so this is (supposedly) the hindi characters (devangari script) unicoded version of the translations of the last post.

Which means it’s gonna look even worse and be more meaningless :o learn to live with dissappointment. I’m making some of this up as I go!

now, to keep crappy unicode squares from showing every time i view, we’ll go to the other page ;)


translations! phonetical! 7 February, 2007 at 3:52 pm

So, if I figure out how to get the hindi characters in, I’ll add them. but not tonight, b/c I’m leaving soon.

krna aap mog krna hra adn aur ran — do you like green egg and ham
(haven’t looked up rules on plurals, and i’m fairly sure i don’t need both krna’s, but i’m not sure really yet)

maae krna n mog krna – i do not like

them – unko
in a — beech ak
with a — paj ak

soonthk — box (i think; s th(oo) k i’ve got, it’s the n i’m not sure of … and it could be snthook … assuming it’s even an n, it’s not in my alphabets list :/)
lomdo — fox … that doesn’t sound right :o
mvn — house
moos — mouse
bkr — goat
ag(ae)ra — dark
rah — train
rth’ — car
maeh — rain
paed — tree

… that’s assuming i have all the letters right. not that i really know how to pronounce such gems as “mvn” and “rth’” :o guess it’s time to ask my dad ;)

now, to learn enough grammar rules to string it all together into itself!

hard at work 23 January, 2007 at 3:01 pm

project A we finished last week (good, b/c it was due last wednesday .. wonder if the people who set the deadline have looked at it at all …)

project B is on stall until we can find a way to POLITELY browbeat someone into letting us actually talk to the person with the answers. Person Z is our contact. Person Y asked a bunch of questions. Person X has the answers. Person Z never seems to get the meaning when we ask “can we talk to Person X to get the answers we need for Person Y” :/ so, we’re stalled indefinitely.

so, this week at the office I’m reading my Zend PHP Certification guide. I figure once I’m hired I’ll look into the policies on certs. If they’ll pay for them, I’ll probably go for the PHP, LPI level 2 and MySQL DBA certs. Of course, those last two are 2nd level, and each level has 2 tests, at 200$ a pop … i am SOOOO not paying for that myself :o

Otherwise, I’m making another hack at learning hindi. Why not! just b/c the last dozen times or whatever have failed miserably is no reason to think this one will too! this time I’m going with written. learn to mimic words, then learn to pronounce them. I’m going about it like your average 3-5 yr old learning to read/speak by reading aloud. Of course, hindi primers are all in devangari (the character set), and I have no basis for knowing what those mean (although I did find a site… uh, wonder where I put that URL … anyway, it goes through the alphabet and tells you how to pronounce the letters and some of the common letter-combos (like ie, ae, etc)). So I’m working with that, a big list of english words and their hindi versions in devangari, and trying to figure out how to say things.

I’m doing this by translating Dr Seuss ;) If Green Eggs and Ham, Cat in the Hat, and Horton Hears a Who are good enough to teach kids english, then they should be able to teach me some (relatively useless) hindi phrases. Once I have a base, maybe I can go from there.

I figure that I may put up the translations, assuming I can figure out if that’s allowed since Seuss is still under copyright so the fulltext isn’t online in english … otherwise, I may put up phrases or something.

And then I’m going to work on a “Hindi Primer for Americans” b/c we do NOT pronounce things like the brits. The second o in Library … wtf are you talking about? there’s NO o, let alone TWO!!! :)

Heck, if this works for me, maybe I’ll do Hebrew too. See if I can figure out how to sell my Language Mastery plan for fat cash. retire rich at the age of 25 and live high on the hog, just me and my buxom wench! And the puppy, obviously. duh!

ugh, now i remember 7 December, 2006 at 12:53 pm

1.A as in Umm , Anar (Pomergranate);..2.AA as in Aunt , Aag ( Fire) ;..3.I as in India, Emli ( spice) ;…4.Ee as in East , Eent (brick) ;…5.U as in oops , ooloo (owl) 6.oo as in moon , oon (yarn)

A as in “umm” ??? AA as in Aunt … great, now i suppose it matters if you say aunt like “ought” or “ant” …

I as in India.  Great, which I?   is it “imli” or “eemli”?  (i think it’s the latter) …

U as in “oops” ??? there’s no U!  i guess we’re talking “upsy daisy” sound, since i say oops and moon with the same oo sound!

then there are 5 lines of consonants on the alphabet chart (5 each).  and 4 of the lines end in N.  different N’s.  that look nothing alike. and sound different.  but the text says they’re all “N” …

now i remember why this is hard to learn.  25 consonants. 10 vowels. 8 “semi vowels”. and then 10 variant vowels + 16 combination-letters; which apparently the variant vowels (“vowel marks”) don’t sound the same as the vowel in question, and the combination letters have new sounds.  and don’t always look like a combo of the original letters.  so, between 43 and 70 characters, depending on if you worry with the variant bits.  and even the basic ones are telling you to use sounds that aren’t in the word.

seriously, if I ever figure out hindi, I’m writing a book “Hindi for Americans” that will use words and accents of america rather than england.  nothing against london, and it was their language first, but even when the words are the same, the sounds are different.  and it makes a difference!

hindi alphabet site 6 December, 2006 at 5:10 pm

found this site yesterday. shows how to pronounce the letters, how they look, how they combine, how they read, and even how to write them . so maybe i’ll try to learn hindi/devangari (devangari’s the script/written; hindi is the language, general)

conversating 13 February, 2006 at 6:46 pm

namaste, kumariji
namaste, shiriman
ab kessi’heh?
bahot achi, dheniwad. or ab?
bahot acha nehi. kya ab kuch cunnah jahati’heh?
gi nehi. muggr me kuch pena jahati’hm
ab kiddur pena jahati’heh?
mere gr per?
upke gr per? restorami nehi’heh?
tika. restorami. raj put per?
gi’ha. me raj put per restorat jantha’hm

ab kya pena jahati’heh?
kuch chai. me kuch chai pena jahati’hm.
ah. chai!

hindi 1b 5 October, 2005 at 9:49 pm

Forgot to append this the other day.

Words I forgot were:

gi-ha (jihad, without the d): yes
ku-mar-i-ji: miss

I never said it was a lot of words I missed :p