Prescription FAIL

So, to continue our tale from Fun with Prescriptions … When I  checked the mail from last week (we were out of town) … Note from CVS/Caremark. After carefully reviewing the case, blah blah blah, according to our records, yadda yadda, we are DENYING your request for an exception for this medication because: After two months, you [...]

thanksgiving ’11

I so love thanksgiving. First I drive 12-16 hours, depending on traffic, to get to my inlaws (we stopped for the night this year, so it was two 6-hour chunks, not near as bad) The first few days were OK, just us and her parents.  Just the usual screaming and yelling amongst them. Tuesday night [...]

Fun with Prescriptions

So, Kitty (our third) is on medication for reflux.  It’s a compounded admixture.  So it has a shelf life of 12 days.  Can stretch to double when refrigerated. Insurance demands a 90-day scrip for any “maintenance medication”, which is anything you need more than one refill of :o  Since it’s only good for so short a [...]