late to the party

So I was looking up some friends from college and decided to take the plunge and signed up on … then I noticed that some of them were on facebook instead, so i signed up there too i might be a little late to the party :o

Too Much TV!

So, before DK was born, we were all intending to not let him watch any TV until he was at least two. But we had decided that I could still play on the game consoles with him around and that wouldn’t count (yeah yeah, but it was limited at least) But he’s been getting to [...]


So on the 24th we went ahead and punched the button for the fitness membersip at lifetime. It’s a little more per month than we wanted, but we just liked it so much better than the other option that we were willing to go for it. We went back to look at the kids center [...]

CPSIA Cost Breakdown

So, here’s a breakdown from Happy Panda who actually makes clothing and thus needs this research (whereas we’ve never made it reasonably past theoretical yet) CPSIA Testing Research & Price Breakdown

My point is MIA

So, the big post about cpsia? Yeah, I posted that without “finishing” it, but now I can’t remember what else I wanted to add offhand :o I sent the form letter from Handmade Toy Alliance to all three critters, although I have my doubts that it will do anything because it’s a reactionary legislation and [...]

CPSIA and Us

Last year, around this time actually I s’pose, was all the recalls and etc about toys made with high levels of lead. magic sand that turned into ghp when ingested. yadda yadda yadda. The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) was getting railed on because they weren’t catching most of these things, rather either the companies [...]

Metro Madness

DC’s Metro differs from most (all) of the others I’ve been on in that the cost is dependent on the distance you ride. Possibly with some additional factors like whether your trip goes through the busy areas or something. But it costs a minimum of 1.65$ for a trip (such as the one station I [...]

Fitness Clubbing

So, Wednesday evening we went to the Lifetime Fitness near us, to look around and see if we wanted to go with that or the Columbia Association. We’d been members of CA before, but didn’t use it much after the first year and had been stuck in a 3-yr term. So, Lifetime is month-to-month, which [...]


Pescatarian? Pescetarian? Kiir points out occasionally when I saw that I’m vegetarian that I’m technically Pescetarian. Because I eat pesky people. Of course, using a term like “Pescetarian” in public is just going to get you confusing looks. And since “vegetarian” has been so abused that it means everything from “I only eat vegetables” to [...]

Cloth Diaper Drying Tip

Interesting point for anyone using cloth diapers – You seriously need to clean the dryer vent regularly. As in, take the hose off entirely and dredge it out. I did that last night, because our diapers take two cycles. ~60-90 minutes ‘auto’ on low heat and 60 on medium (avoiding high to keep them from [...]