Cometh the Retirement

Soooo … when last we heard, I had gotten my psych appt.  Well, thursday before the appt, apparently he had a dr’s appt to go to in the orning, so they had to move all his appts to the afternoon.  I called friday, left a message and told them to call me back at the [...]

Caffeine makes you do funny things

So, after the Disney trip I quit drinking caffeinated sodas.  Don’t get me wrong, that means I’ve been drinking 2 or 3 root beers a day, but that’s way down from 6-8 diet sodas.  One problem at a time.  Thanksgiving week was my third week off; I made sure to start early enough that I [...]

Situp Status

So, it’s been two weeks, and I just did my test.  45 situps today, waaay up from 15!!!  This week I determined that I wasn’t doing them quite right, I think I was lifting myself too far and using the wrong muscle groups :/ Friday’s situps were also done with the assistance of DK and [...]

Situps & Squats

So, still only 15 situps, but watching Kiir hammer out 45, I noticed her breathing.  I’m not sure I was breathing.  I’m pretty confident I wasn’t breathing PROPERLY :o So I may try one more time tonight and start tomorrow without the 24-48 pause.  Of course, every two weeks they have a test, so I’m [...]

New workout plans

OK, so, I’m back up to needing a 40 waist from a 38, and I seem to have tipped over 210 again :/ So, it’s time to start working on my weight again.    Bonus, Kiir’s family is doing a 5k next fall that Grandpa’s Rotary club is dedicating to his memory. So I decided [...]

Nice to meet you!

Lately, DK has taken to shaking my hand occasionally and telling me that it’s nice to meet me.  “Nice to meet you!” Last night at Costco he was on Kiir’s back in the carrier, having been taking a nap.  He was awake by now, just still in the carrier, and he turns to me and [...]


So, as previously mentioned, my psych is only in one day a week. Well, luckily, he was willing to fax the scrip to a pharmacy near where I was in Georgia, so I actually got my pills.  When the pharmacy told me (I was calling every couple hours, then calling the psych to poke) they [...]