walking for health

I’ve gotten into the habit of taking K out every night when I get home. We’ll pass when it’s raining bad or exceptionally cold, but I think I’ve taken him out for a walk ~55 of the last 60 days or so. we walk up to the lake and around part of it. doing it [...]

Faster, Stronger, Smarter

Des keeps growing and growing. and growing. Kiir posted his stats on her blog from his last checkup, and he’s kept growing. He’s figured out how to walk. He’ll take a few steps to go between the sofa and the desk, or the table and the chair, etc. He actually managed a string of about [...]


I just haven’t felt like posting much lately. The crypto blog is still waiting for an update from november (partially b/c i’m like 10% through and it’s HUGE, so i was trying to think of how to hone it down and keep it detailed) ; kitchen dragons is behind half a dozen recipes from January. [...]