Hindi, take lak

(lak is hindi for 1000) (actually, it probably transliterates as laak or laak or something with an h maybe) So, we started our 8-week beginning conversational hindi course last week at the community college. my parents love it , b/c they get to babysit des by themselves for two hours :o I ran into some [...]

Stop! Cleaning time!

Can’t keep this! … well, hell, now i feel compelled to find the words to the song and do up at least a verse or two … bah. if i had that kindof followthrough it wouldn’t’ve been three weeks sincei last posted. Last weekend was “Massively Cleaning Weekend” Mom in law was up to help [...]

Making the right move

So, it’s been ~15 months since I left my old comfortable job. I’m on my third employer since then (i LOVE contracting, it’s so stable!), fourth health insurance (wtf) … and i’m not sure about the whole thing. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think staying would have been a good plan. I wasn’t going [...]

Turnabout is fair

So, last night it was my turn to not feel well :/ We were supposed to be going to a NYE party at a friends, we were packed in the car and ready. and i ended up having to scrap the whole plan b/c i was sick and spend half the evening in the bathroom [...]