9am, already a long day

Pi is quietly sleeping on the floor, and DK is watching Wall-E for the second time this morning already. Kiir hasn’t been getting good sleep, all broken up and fragmented, with Pi sleeping against her back. Pi seems to be working on crawling around, so she wanders around in the bed some at night, making [...]

Dancing Fiend!

Wednesday night while I was getting the bathing suits together, DK came down and went into the bedroom. He does that a lot when he comes down. He goes in and turns on the cd player/alarm clock. He likes the Tori disc we have in there (Choirgirl Hotel). And thats what he did this time [...]

Nah a pah!

So, DK is talking more and more. The other night, I gave him an icepop and I took an icecream bar out of the freezer for myself. When he finished, he asked (pantomime demanded) kiir go to the kitchen. And through a really bad game of charades, she got him an ice cream like daddy [...]

exhausting fathers day

So, today: Up at 7, took K out, started some more cleaning and laundry DK and Pi up at 8:45, put Pi on my back while I did dishes Gymboree for DK at 10, Pi and Kiir came with us Home, made lunch for everyone, and ate Pi and DK fell asleep on the way [...]


this evening DK and i went to the big playground after dinner, and we ended up playing for ~2 hrs! after it sprinkled but decided not to rain, we were the only people for a few minutes then a group came up of teens. they were quite nice and played with dk a bunch :o [...]

Training, running, playing!

Wow, I just keep not getting a chance to post updates. A couple times over the weekend I got ~30 minutes and totally blanked. I keep having ideas of things I want to blog on, but never remember them by the time I get to a computer. Thinking about digging up a cheap recorder so [...]