Psych failure 3 June, 2013 at 8:40 am

So, I’ve been having PTSD-like flashbacks since DKs accident. To te poit that I’ve had to pull off te road into a parking lot a few times.

Not to say they’re anymore fun when I’m not driving, of course. They enter ally suck. A lot. They’re not necessarily full PTSD style, since I generally know I’m not back at the the incident. But I still get full sensation and all the feeling of being there. So much fun

So, my doc recommended psychotherapy. Because really “why haven’t you gotten therapy before??” So yeah.

Except somehow I got scheduled to a psychiatrist for eval instead of psychologist for therapy. And now I’m on the waiting list, because the new psychs they hired recently are now full booked. But probably not three weeks ago when I scheduled my appointment. So, basically, I just didn’t get my appointment due to clerical error. Yay

Ironically, DK was supposed to see psychiatric for ADHD meds last week. But they scheduled him for therapy. He’s got another three weeks before he gets a second shot. I like the practice and the docs seem nice, but reception needs work.

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