Poor bedside manner 10 June, 2013 at 11:20 am

So, when I had that first appointment with my new psych…

First there was the wonderful “are you seeing anyone for therapy?” “Uh, I thought that was what you were when I was making an appointment”. “No, I’m a psychiatrist. This is a psychiatric evaluation”. Yah, doc, I figured that out from the question. But since I asked for a therapist during the phone call, you’ll have to bear with me.

Then “who diagnosed you with PTSD?” Uh, my wife? “Oh, so she’s a clinician?” No, she thought the flashbacks and fears sounded right. Then the PCP doc agreed and recommended me over.

So then “what caused it?” So, full explanation of last summer again. “Explain the flashbacks, you said you don’t witness it”. No but I saw the aftermath and say with him til paramedics arrived then there was he hospital. And my mind is happy o fill in the blanks.

“So like if I had been there it wouldn’t have happened, what could you have done to prevented it, was this your fault?”

SERIOUSLY? Every doctor we’ve seen for DK has been careful to make sure to tell us and make sure we understand “horrific accident” “can’t prevent everything” “they were just playing and this terrible thing happened it was not anyone’s fault”. And this guy says “man, you really fucked up didn’t you?” We’ve already established depression an PTSD, you trying to lighten the patient load by getting yours to suicide or something?

And this was all before he told me he wasn’t a therapist. Clearly, because as a therapist you suck. Hardcore, dude, because really. YOU SUCK

Hope the therapist is not mentally deficient too. Whenever I manage to see them.

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