Stroke of te day 17 June, 2013 at 1:35 pm

We’re at the mall the other day. Played at te playground for an hour and went for lunch. They agree they all want more playground so fine. Bathroom first!

DK wants to go boys room by himself and I generally let him. But he runs off ahead so I isn’t get a chance to repeat the directions from the first time. I take the other pair to the family rooms, and when we come out he’s not waiting for us

Well, shit. I go in the men’s calling for him, but hear no answer and don’t see his boots in the stalls. Back to the food court entrance where we go to the bathrooms, no.

At this point I threw out my (full) drink so I could carry Bear, and basically dragged Pi behind me to the playground. All set to be pissed off at him for not waiting, and contemplating a demanded exit and home

Except he’s not at the playground. Oh crap oh crap. Back to the bathrooms again, still not there. Check where we had been sitting. Ok, back to the playground one more time, it’s on the way to service to ask for help etc.

As we’re passing the bathrooms he comes running up. He HAD gone towards the playground bc he forgot the first directions and thought we had gone ahead (no, you don’t get to go potty quite that much by yourself yet, kid). And when he couldn’t find us he got worried.

From the security guard I found out he was sanding by the mall directory. Then we ran into the family that found him there and called security. Apparently he was very calm and collected about the whole thing, managed to describe me/my clothes reasonably, including my vibram five fingers and the baby carrier.

He was worried and scared, but in control and calm. And once he found me, he was worried because e thought I was going to be mad about him running off (not unreasonably I suppose since I had been) and he was scared he’d be in trouble for getting lost

He knew the right things to do in the situation (I’m not sure where to look for security personally so standing at a directory was probably not a bad option).

I probably even went past him at the directory and was on the wrong side or just didn’t see him.

In the ten minutes since finding him, my pulse is way calmer and blood pressure has got to be better. Bc omfg terrifying!

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